I have recently had another child, 8 weeks ago, and am now starting to think about their future education. I am a highly qualified international teacher and I truly love my job but I am beginning to feel that I would like to educate my own children, in our home. Maybe. I don't want to rush into making a decision about it and I know that I have another 2 years to research the are and think it through. My husband is not fussed either way really, just wants whatever makes us all happy.
That is something I am battling with personally. Happiness. Surely life should be made as fun and happy as possible because you only get one chance at it? And I know from my own experience at school and my teaching experiences since, that school is not for everyone. All is takes is 1 bad teacher or a teacher you just don't click with and your stuffed for the entire year. If your studying Henry VIII for the 3rd year in a row (as I did) you get very bored and switch off entirely.
With home schooling we can follow the interests of the children individually and really make it fun. At school the day is broken up into little time slots, 10 mins for letters and sounds, 20 mins for guided reading 45 mins for maths, 15 mins assembly.... its all very bitty! By the time the children have become focused on something that they are interested in, they need to tidy away. This is not conducive to a rich and thriving learning environment. If home schooling we would be able to go on a day trip to say the National History Museum and then spend the next however many weeks learning all about dinosaurs, where they're found in the World, how fossils are made, what fossil fuel is and how its used, writing reports about our findings... the possibilities are endless.
So I am creating this page as a way of documenting my thoughts and findings over the next few years as I come to a decision about what is best to do for my children.
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